Car Dash Race

MSD Ignition 8736 Ignition Launch Rev limiter selector Car Racing limit rpm up

MSD Ignition 8736 Ignition Launch Rev limiter selector Car Racing limit rpm up

MSD Ignition 8736 Ignition Launch Rev limiter selector Car Racing limit rpm up   MSD Ignition 8736 Ignition Launch Rev limiter selector Car Racing limit rpm up

Perfect for fdrag bikes and cars using MSD ignitions MSD Ignition 8736 Ignition Launch Rev limiter selector Car Racingup to 5 gears! MSD7552 shift light MSD 8736 Launch selector shift light adjustable rev limiter for up to 5 gears plugs straight into your MSD ignition and allows different rpm fo different gears- get a real bargain these retail at over 160!! We have access to most parts and accessories. Please have a look at our shop for our current stock. This item must be be collected due to its size.

_gsrx_vers_811 GS 7.0.9 (811).
MSD Ignition 8736 Ignition Launch Rev limiter selector Car Racing limit rpm up   MSD Ignition 8736 Ignition Launch Rev limiter selector Car Racing limit rpm up